Get ready to end the summer season with a bang as the Dennis Chamber of Commerce celebrates with a Beach Party and Fireworks on Sunday, September 4 on West Dennis Beach. This fun family event features live music from Cape Cod’s own Mr. Gotcha, a bonfire, marshmallow roasting, and culminates with the 33rd annual fireworks display. Admission and parking are free. Shuttle bus transportation from Ezra Baker Elementary School and the Graded School to the beach begins at 5:30 pm.
Known as one of the best fireworks displays on Cape Cod, the event is sponsored by the Dennis Chamber of Commerce, your donations and is partially funded by a grant from the Dennis Town Tourism Committee. Sponsors include: Bass River Marina, Dickey Insurance, Good Friends Cafe, Cape Cod Viking Real Estate, Hart Farm, Mid-Cape Home Centers, Patriot Square Merchants, Martha Murray Real Estate, Rockland Trust, Shorefront Consulting, Stage Stop Candy, Sun Retreats Cape Cod, Swan River Restaurant and Fish Market, Woolfies, Nauset, Wee Packet, RJT, Don and Dave’s Auto.